About Extrusion
The extrusion is the plastic track your curtains glide on. It is clipped into the routed grove in the melamine board the tracks come built into. In some circumstances after well over 10 years of use, the extrusion can become more vulnerable to cracking if excessive force is used on the curtain. If your extrusion is cracked and your curtains keep falling out, below are the instructions to replace it yourself, this procedure can be done with the tracks still on the wall.
Removing Extrusion
Step 1. Remove end stoppers. These are attached by a pin with a large round head. The end stoppers are on each end of the track and are used to clip the curtain back at each end when necessary. 1. Place a pair of pliers on head of the pin and pull out. 2. Place a pair of pliers on raised bar on end stopper and twist 90 deg then pull out |
Step 2. Remove the centre piece. There are 2 types of centre pieces: i. The green centerpiece - to remove this simply pinch the green insert together and pull it out. ii. The white/red trapdoor centerpiece - to remove this push trapdoor in, find the end where the opening appears. On the end where the opening is push 1 side as far into the centre as possible and then pull it the side out - this side should now be sticking out above the track. Re- peat the process for the other side and then pull the whole thing out. |
Step 3. Once the 2 end pieces and the centre piece have been removed, remove extrusion. To remove the extrusion, pinch together and, starting at one end, twist it out of the cavity.
Refitting Extrusion
Step 1. Starting at one end, gently push new extrusion in or hammer extru- sion in with fist or mallet. You should hear the extrusion click when it is properly in place. |
Step 2. Place end stoppers near each end, then twist 90 deg with pliers, then tap end stopper along with flat blade screw driver until it’s at the end of the track. Insert pin in little hole in end stopper then gently push in with end of pliers or other tool.
Step 3. Re-insert centre piece: 1. Simply push in the hole and make sure it’s sliding back and forth OK.
2. White/Red Trap door centre piece - slide the end away from opening in first with 2 grooves slotting in behind tracks, part that opening side should be to left. Centre piece should now be in at one end and half sticking out at the other end. To get the rest in do one side at a time. Push to side as far to middle then down through middle of track and then groove should slide under track.